Thursday, April 24, 2008

Story #1

I realize that I hardly ever just write about Luca.
Here's a cute story that his nanny, Inshani, told me:
Luca and Inshani take the bus to go to Music Class every week. They get on the bus a few weeks ago and Luca shouts out "HI PEOPLE".
On the way home from Music, Luca gave the bus driver a high five and the driver told Luca he made his day.
Such a social and sweet little boy.

Mommy and LUCA...the standoff

I was trying to get Luca to pick up all the food he threw on the floor from dinner. I took away all his toys, turned out the lights in the other parts of the house so he wouldn't leave the kitchen, stopped talking to him except to explain why he had to pick up HIS mess, and he didn't pick up a thing. It lasted over a 1/2 hr. and he entertained himself quite well.

Springtime and Parks

Luca's cousin, Owen, stayed over last weekend
to go to a comic book convention with Rob.
Luca benefited with lots of book reading and playing.

Luca's new easel.
Being naked is just part of his art.

My new bubble blower. I can make bubbles myself!

I like to see them go down the street.

Spring time flowers...and my cool convertible.

My new favorite thing is sidewalk chalk.

Daddy showing me the game of soccer.

A hawk in Crocheron Park, Bayside.

Luca made fast friends with this group of kids
who were piling leaves into a mound
and throwing them at each other.

Looks more like the Fall than Spring!!


Hilary and Luca.

Snack time.

Oliver and friend at his 3rd birthday pary
in Washington Square Park.

Luca playing with some of the ladies at the park.

A visit from down south!

Hello New York!
Gedie and Sara Ashley came to NY to see
Broadway shows (and hang out with us).

Union Square Park, before we went out
for Indian food in the East Village.

It's been 2 weeks since they left,
but LUCA is still talking about "Ashley".
It's a good thing we'll see her in 2 weeks
in Seattle for Andrea and David's wedding.