Saturday, September 02, 2006

My First Bath––3 weeks old

Yesterday Luca had his first real bath. He loved it. He stared out the window most of the time, but wasn't bothered by water being poured over his head at all. Then I dressed him in this super cute jumpsuit that Jenny Tunick gave him.
He seems to be holding his head up on his own for long periods of time, and every once in a while we'll get a coo and a non-gasy smile (I swear).

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Granzie's first visit

August 30th, 2006
Luca's umbilical cord fell off yesterday. Now we can give him a real bath. Here are 2 photos of Luca and Daddy, taken before Rob left for work yesterday.
Granzie (Sara) had a good week of bonding with Luca. Here she is holding him.....a lot. We had our very first picnic in Queens together, and we also ventured out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant and took Luca with us. He slept thru the whole thing. What a good boy!!!!
Grandma (Barbara) stopped bye and we took this photo. Luca loves his grandparents!