My Granzie taught me how to plant a garden

Then she let me pretend to be a judge in her courtroom

I was trying to be quiet while court was in session

Mommy took me to the beach on a hot California day.
We saw a seal in the water and looked in tidal pools.

An almost deserted beach...perfect

Maybe I'll be a marine biologist.

At the Bodega Bay Fisherman's Festival!

ARRRH Matie...

My first professional tattoo...
a dino

Or maybe I'll be a fire fighter!

So fun with my auntie Rica and Granzie
(and mommy)

I climbed this tree (not)
at the square in Sonoma

FINALLY Train Town.
That's what I'm talking about!

My Bumpa took me to Train Town, as promised!
He's the best.

A lovely view from the train.

I'm tall enough, but after I rode this dragon
roller coaster I really didn't want to go on anymore rides!

I did like the airplane ride, which was my first
ever solo ride!


Feeding the overfed animals at Train Town

We went to Pier 39, which is a total tourist trap,
but we did have fun looking at the sea lions...

...and I got to see my Aunt Mer!!

Granzie love!

Mommy got to see her BFF's from High School.
Kandi and Enricka!

We met Enricka in Berkley and walked around campus.
Maybe I'll go to school here!

I found a great little seat on this redwood tree on campus.

Auntie Ricka is lots of fun.

Calla and Nolan at the Exploratorium.

I like San Francisco and it was WARM and CLEAR.

We met Nolan and Calla at the Exploratorium.

Nolan and I are buddies.

Cutie Patooties.