We started the day by taking the 11:28am LIRR train into Manhattan.

Luca was dressed up with black cords, a while oxford button up, a tuxedo jacket, a pink stripped tie, and converse hi-top shoes.

All smiles with his ticket in hand.

Luca and daddy sitting on some steps in city hall reading a book.
The three of us were photographed to appear in the
New York Post wedding section.

Renee, Luca, Sabrina and Kalyani.

Mommy and Daddy are getting married!

Signing the paperwork.

My 2 best girls.


Luca passed the time doing some clean-up.

Once we were in the Chapel, the ceremony took about 5 mins.
A few minutes to get situated and about 2 mins. for the judge to marry us.

The judge let Luca sit on her podium. It was very sweet.

Rob putting the ring on my finger.

Holding hands

Me putting a ring on Rob.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.


Wow. That was fast.

We're legal.

Happy family.

Post-nuptuial subway ride.

I made this bouquet.

Kalyani caught the bouquet. She's next!

In the middle of 9th Avenue, Chelsea.

Post-Nuptial dinner at Blossom, a vegan restaurant.

Jen and Frank

Jeremy, Jeff and Jonathan

Renee and Jen

Jeff and Jeremy, enjoying appetizers.

Frank, Jimmy and Rob mingling before dinner.

Darwin and Kalyani

Rob and John

Jonny made one of several toasts

Amy and Renee

Cutting the cake

That's a HUGE bite...but delicious.

Rob's turn.

Just kidding around.

We danced for about a minute to some house music.

Vegan RED-VELVET wedding cake.
It's a family tradition (not the vegan part, just the RV cake part)

The very end of the night....