My mommy and my mommy's mommy, Granzie.

AnAn. She loves to read to me.

Bumpa, taking charge of the grill.

The view outside our river house.
McKenzie River and covered bridge.

The house at night.

Belknap springs garden.

AnAn in the gardens.

Abandoned bulldozer!

Checkers with Granzie.

Our first family hike.
Easy: 1.5 miles in and 1.5 miles out

Granzie resting.

Big rock

The reward: a frigid lake in the middle of the forest!

Daddy and I decided we needed to take a dip.


oops. I forgot my bathing suit.

Hike #2: Clear Lake w/the three sisters mountains in the background.

Family portrait

The whole family:
Bumpa, Granzie, Dad, Mom, me, Uncle Pierce, Aunt Erin and AnAn

Red Velvet cake for our birthday.

Thanks for the RV cake AnAn!

Hiked it. Liked it.

Aunt Erin and Uncle Pierce w/squirters!
