Grandpa Ed (PED, or PopPop) and Luca love.

Cutie Patootie.

Luca's first REAL birding expedition with PopPop.
He found the extinct white billed woodpecker and is leading the way...

Holding hands thru the geese-poop lawn.

Reading a book to Luca and cuddling.

The 3 amigos. Washington Square Park, NY.

The 3 generations. Washington Square Park, NY.

Is that Uncle Jonny?

Snack break at Eli's 5th birthday party.

Upstate rockin' chair at a pumpkin farm.

Rockin' it on his own...LUCA.

UHHHHHH. I found one!

A real pumpkin patch.

Another birding expedition in Queens.
Grandpa Ed spotted 2 new birds in New York.