Luca took his first airplane trip to CALIFORNIA for Christmas. He was great on the plane both ways and loved meeting a lot of his west coast relatives.
Grandma Barbara saw us off the night before we left and helped Luca open his first Christmas present.
Luca met Aunt Andrea (AnAn), Aunt Meredith (Aunt Mer), Bumpa (Fred), his great-grandfather Ed and great-grandmother Tina, and his doggy Jackson.
He also got to meet the Reisinger's and his new first cousins ONCE removed, Tatum and Drake!! He loved spending time with all of them.
He also met his Aunt Enricka--mommy's friend from high school.
Granzie showed him his first CRAB and cuddled with him as much as she could. Aunties Mer and AnAn both took turns feeding him and snuggling him too.
While we were there Luca MASTERED rolling over from back to tummy, and also making sounds like a native American Indian (if you put your hand to his mouth).
It was a wonderful trip home!
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